Thursday, November 26, 2009

Can U.S share India's Aspirations?

Can U.S Share India's Aspirations?

(Madan Menon Thottasseri)

U.S is very much aware of the perennial security issues India is entangled into with Pakistan, the epic centre of the terrorism in the world. No tactics of international politics and diplomacy can win the terrorists mushrooming out of Pakistan soil when the terror kingpins are privileged to get security cover and even honored by the Political democracy which is under the mercy of joint consortiums of military and mafia.

India is committed to resolving its issues mainly on ‘Kashmir’ through peaceful dialogue as per the Simla-Agreement. The elimination of terrorism and positioning of strong electoral-political-democracy in Pakistan is very much mandatory to facilitate an effective interface with its leaders and arrive at resolution satisfactory to both sides. India should rightly explain that the situation never warrants a third–party role into this issue.

There is meaning and prudence when issues connected with terrorism or military sabotage happening in the region and threatening even nations around the world, serious human rights violations and atrocities against ethnic minorities being held in anywhere etc. which are to be condemned and can get a place in joint- statements. U.S and China have no propriety for incorporating CBMs between India and Pakistan in the joint declarations mentioning that China has to play the role of a mediator……an obscurity looms around the corner! Obama never regretted for this despotic attempt!

It will not be unknown to Obama that China cannot be expected to be unbiased over issues relating to India, particularly connected with Pakistan. How is it possible to China when it has assisted the closest ally for nuclear proliferations? China had even gifted 50k.g of high grade uranium and nuclear design prototypes to Pakistan which was unknown to U.S?

How can anyone expect India with so much of threats from across the boundaries to sign NPT while two neighbors China and Pakistan have stockpiles of nuclear weapons? Unfortunately due to host of geographical and political reasons, of course known to the world, India is entangled into host of adverse situations wherein not even a peace-loving simple villager will assent for his nation to be a signatory as a ‘non nuclear weapons state’ in NPT. Any Treaty will be acceptable only when a signatory nation feels like a beneficiary and served the purpose of a common interest. Unquestionably India cannot afford to deprive of its security.

India is one of the countries opted to have the ‘No-first-use’ policy, pledging for not Though not signed NPT or CTBT, India has already declared a unilateral moratorium on testing nuclear weapons which is appreciated by a large majority of countries around the globe.
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Panel and also U.S have to understand that the very heartening initiatives of India demonstrably strengthen the India’s Stand and this should not go unnoticed while reviewing the issue of non-proliferation.
U.S.A and European Union have jointly reiterated their commitment to preserve and strengthen the authority and integrity of NPT in the summit held at Washington on 3rd November, 2009. The task of U.S.A and E.U was to apply pressure on India and other non-signatories, to assent for joining the NPT as ‘non-nuclear weapons states’. The Washington summit/03 Nov, 2009 endorsed consent for the initiatives for new protocols and comprehensive nuclear safeguards prescribed by IAEA. It also advised Iran to interact with U.S.A, U.K, Russia, China, France, Germany (5 +1) to move forward the dialogue commenced at Geneva on 1st October, 2009. The summit welcomed the commitment of U.S.A and Russia towards a new agreement to replace the outmoded START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)!
Can U.S.A and Russia come together and reduce their nuclear arsenals dramatically and drive the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)? If U.S takes the initiative to declare the no-first–use doctrine, will other NATO members follow suit? Why America is still reluctant, off-track and plainly callous on the subject?
Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh in his official engagement’s concluding press conference on 24 November, 2009 stated that President Obama had agreed on the early and full implementation of India’s ‘civil nuclear co-operation agreement paving way for transfer of high technology items to India. President Obama rightly confirmed this when he had a joint press meet with Man Mohan Singh. He informed that U.S looks forward to realize huge business opportunities to U.S Companies in the civil nuclear field which will create jobs in both countries. It is to be noted that Prime Minister had been prodding his nuclear negotiators well ahead of his visit to U.S so as to expedite dialogue with U.S officials for sorting out pending issues on reprocessing rights.

Due to host of geographical and political reasons, of course known to the world, India is entangled into host of adverse situations wherein not even a peace-loving simple villager will assent for his nation to be a signatory as a ‘non nuclear weapons state’ in NPT. Any Treaty will be acceptable only when a signatory nation feels like a beneficiary and served the purpose of a common interest. Unquestionably India cannot afford to deprive of its security.
Unfortunately, Pakistan never intensified actions against certain terrorist groups as the intelligence agencies even see them as their ‘future strategic assets’ against India! Recently there were news reports on the collaboration of the terror network in Afghanistan with local insurgent groups in Pakistan boarder and housing training camps which are grown conveniently smaller and more mobile. Reports on these camps captured news headlines in recent months as the U.S investigation Officers probed the accused New York terror suspect Najibullah Zazi. The Afghan expatriate reportedly flew to Pakistan in the last year and camped at Peshawar in the North-West frontier where he underwent training on weapons and explosives.
Currently, the terror-episode of plotters, David Coleman Headley, a U.S. citizen and the Pakistan born Canadian Tahawwur Hussain Rana who were in Pakistan and India in various cities on different occasions when there was terror attacks at both countries, is revealing more conspiracies.
On the eve of the first anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh who is in Washington on an official visit and the U.S President barrack Obama stepped up pressure on Pakistan by a joint-statement highlighting that it was imperative to bring the perpetrators to justice. The two leaders reiterated their shared interest in the stability, development and independence of Afghanistan and in the defeat of terrorist-safe-heavens in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. They wanted to eliminate these safe heavens and sanctuaries that provide terrorist activities. India expects full support from U.S by applying more pressure on Pakistan to counter the threat targeted against India and take action on terror infrastructure. India and U,S have a counter terrorism co-operation but there remains disagreement on how to handle, persuade and tackle Pakistan where terrorism and political-nationalism have close links into the functionaries of the government and military.
May be U.S‘s main concern lies on Afghanistan, as it is all set to announce the Afghan Policy soon. President Obama appreciated India’s role in reconstruction and rebuilding projects in Afghanistan. The two leaders agreed to redouble efforts to deal effectively with terrorism and to strengthen global consensus and legal regimes against terrorism.
Obama will have to devote more time to keenly watch the atrocities and unfairness happening throughout the world and consolidate strength to identify solutions acceptable to all so as to display the power he gets by winning the Nobel!
We all know that he had modestly commended “I will accept this award as a call to action- a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st century.”The humbled Obama said that he has viewed the Peace Prize as a way to give impetus to broadly shared aspirations. Let me quote his comments.... “to be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of many of the transformative figures who have been honoured by this prize”.